
10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
How 2 Go For The Life You Want - 3D -
Personally, Professionally and Philanthropically
Hear about accepting our truth, faith as the absence of doubt, and how courage overcomes the fear of rejection.
Zandara learned that leading with vulnerability is a source of connection to other people because they might see a piece of themselves in your story, and often they will be drawn towards you for fully showing up as yourself.
Previously afraid of rejection, Zandara learned that although vulnerability invites the reactions we fear, we can’t avoid those painful moments. It may invite a new journey and new conversations and an even better unforeseen outcome might follow.

10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
The Power of Belonging, Part II
Hear about how to create a safe sport environment within your role and winning strategies for being an authentic ally.
Honor Your Truth. Acknowledge your authentic self so you are able to share it with others. Being yourself is essential to finding a space where you can feel safe and belong both internally and externally. Celebrate your story and the stories of others to continue the movement toward equity.
Authentic allyship involves giving unconditional positive regard and a safe space of belonging. It can be very easy for some to pick up on the positive energy in that space, whereas for others it may take a bit of time. It is up to the other person to decide when they feel comfortable and accept the support that environment is offering. Use inclusive language, avoid stereotyping, and be mindful of the message you as an ally are conveying.
Your own life experiences can be vastly different than those of others, especially if you differ in race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, etc. Recognize these pieces of your identity and acknowledge that you do not know what it’s like to walk in other people’s shoes.

10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
The Power of Belonging
Learn about authentic allyship within athletic environments and how to be a CHAMP10N in supporting others being their authentic selves.
Begin by educating yourself and others. Understand where bias and stereotypes originate and eradicate the ideas of what masculinity or femininity “should” look like. Recognize how stigma continues to affect the LGBTQ+ populations and stand up for and support teammates or coaches no matter where you are to demonstrate true allyship.
“All Sports for All People''. Implement inclusive language into your everyday vocabulary, especially around youth athletes. Young LGBTQ+ populations face barriers participating in athletics and are significantly less present within youth sports, so it is essential to start at the bottom so children can feel more comfortable participating.
“The power of story moves hearts to then move minds”. Get to know your neighbors or teammates’ stories. The more we can learn from others’ experiences and perspectives, the more we can fight against present bias and stigmas. Let others know your authentic self and embrace the idea of belonging.